What is GenericAskToolbar.dll?

GenericAskToolbar.dll file is a Dynamic Link Library file. It is not a Windows system library. It is closely related with Ask Toolbar or also known as Ask.com Toolbar, Ask Search or Avira SearchFree Toolbar. Also it can be a part of Play DVD or Foxit PDF Creator Toolbar developed by Ask.com. All of those programs belong to Ask.com – famous developer of adware and browser hijackers.


If your antivirus or antimalware software has detected the presence of GenericAskToolbar.dll you should add it to quarantine or simply remove it from your computer. If your default homepage was changed to ask.com and search engine to search.ask.com or if you found Ask Toolbar in your web browser you should immediately scan your computer for malware and viruses. It is very dangerous to use the infected computer, since you may expose your personal confidential data to the third parties.

When your computer is infected with GenericAskToolbar.dll your system resources such as CPU and RAM might be at high level of usage by unknown processes. Also your GPU temperature might go up significantly and it can cause your motherboard, GPU and processor to overheat. If you delay the removal of GenericAskToolbar.dll you might lose your personal data stored on hard drives due to system failure.

GenericAskToolbar.dll is dynamic link library used by ask.com browser hijacker and its components. The presence of this file implies that your computer is infected and you should take immediate actions and clean your pc. You can find our step by step removal guide here including our automatically removal tool.

GenericAskToolbar.dll Removal Instruction

Automatic Removal for GenericAskToolbar.dll

Symptoms of GenericAskToolbar.dll infection on your computer can be: computer crashes, unusual homepage or search engine on your browser, unwanted pop-up ads and advertising banners. We recommend to download our automatic removal tool. This removal tool has been tested for GenericAskToolbar.dll threat removal and it is easy to use.

You are running: Windows.
This Tool is Compatible With: Compatible with Windows XP Compatible with Windows Vista Compatible with Windows 7 Compatible with Windows 8/8.1 Compatible with Windows 10
For quick and easy removal of GenericAskToolbar.dll threat, we recommend to download SpyHunter 4 removal tool. SpyHunter 4 by Enigma Software is an anti-malware utility certified by West Coast Labs Checkmark Certification System. Enigma Software has been awarded by various media sources such as CNN.com, USA Today, PC World and Forbes.com. Our tests have proved that SpyHunter 4 has one of the supreme detection and removal ranks for GenericAskToolbar.dll.

Removal GenericAskToolbar.dll with the help of technical experts

If you have difficulty to remove GenericAskToolbar.dll threat by using an automatic removal tool or you have any questions, you can call our professional technical support and they will gladly help you.
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Information added: 08/08/2015 07:41 AM;